Among the conferences and speeches organized during the Sustainable Places event, Holonix will participate by presenting the DeremCo project within the workshop “Cocreating tomorrow: participative value chains for a sustainable future”, in collaboration with other partners. A moment that aims to highlight, by describing the research, studies and concrete actions that are being implemented within the European projects DeremCo, Wasabi, COREu, RaRe2 and YouRban, how the concept of value-chain is changing and how it is possible to shape the roles of the subjects that compose it, in order to build a new way of thinking about the ecosystem, circular and sustainable.

The topics of the workshop

Sustainability and circularity in the 5 European projects are studied and addressed in different areas, also thanks to a diversification of the pilot initiatives organised. The core element of the strategies is the participation of the parties affecting the different ecosystems, promoted through techniques and methodologies such as: the transfer of knowledge and skills; the exchange of information including needs, ideas, solutions; sharing materials and technologies; matchmaking. A new “open” network where companies can find innovative technologies, multidisciplinary skills and above all an environment that encourages participation and collaboration.

Holonix will present the DeremCo project

The DeremCo project (G.A. I3-101084037) focuses on the life cycle of composite materials, specifically, on the value that they can have at the end of their life, re-proposing them within new processes and new markets. Production and sustainability go hand in hand and the challenge is to find a business model that allows their co-existence; for this reason in DeremCo, a new IoT platform is taking shape: a virtual place in which you can talk about your business, the type of waste that remains unused in your production process, their life cycle, the manufacturing processes and the data regarding the economic-environmental impact. The exchange of information allows the establishment of new relationships and collaborations between supply and demand, reaching a 360-degree level of participation of the subjects of the value chain.

The other projects of the workshop

Syxis, of which Holonix is a Founding partner, will also take part in the discussion, presenting the European project Wasabi (G.A. 101092176), focused on the search for tools based on human-artificial intelligence collaboration and applied to the manufacturing sector. YouRban, presented by the Polytechnic of Milan, is an initiative that promotes an urban ecosystem dedicated to the recycling and upcycling of materials, which connects different stakeholders including citizens, artists, designers, small producers and artisans in order to create a collaborative environment. RaRe2, presented by R2RSolution, focuses its research towards sustainable digital solutions that allow the configuration of reconfigurable and resilient production systems. Lastly, COREu, presented by Domina Srl, intends to develop new technologies enabling the energy transition, in particular the Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) scenario. Don’t miss the event, find out more!