The second round of Open Call aims to support the projects they propose in line with the general objectives of DeremCo.

Three areas of interest

Projects that develop in one of these three areas will be taken into consideration:

  • Input: materials that can be treated with the technologies that the DeremCo project proposes (such as glass, carbon, PA, rGF and polyester resin fibres;
  • Processes: complementary technologies to the processes already studied within the DeremCo project (waste treatment and preparation for recycling, injection molding, blending, infusion weaving processes, compounding methods and plasticization processes.
  • Output: new products or solutions created using DeremCo material (furniture, retail, construction, outdoor furniture and construction sectors).

Who can participate

The beneficiaries of the second Open Call are SMEs (possibility of individual participation or in small consortia) with registered office or operational offices in one of the following EU regions and countries:

  • Austria: Carinthia, Upper, Lower Austria
  • Belgium: Flanders
  • Finland: Länsi-Suomi
  • Italy: Lombardy, Lazio and Umbria
  • Slovenia: Eastern and Western Slovenia
  • Spain: Basque Country
  • Portugal: Centre

For all the info: click here