In Holonix we see it that way

Innovation attracts but frightens. The more we are involved in change and the more necessary it appears to us. The Industrial Revolutionwill take place not only through the use of all enabling technologies, from 3D printing to IIoT, from robotics to the use of new materials but also and above all through a radical new approach to processes.

The newly designed production will be guided by data that will have to be detected with surgical precision so as not to disperse into unnavigable oceans; structured data organized and then returned to the various company interlocutors already pre-digested in usable information. In the coming years the manufacturing system will face full immersion in the fourth Industrial Revolution that will determine the complete automation and interconnection of productions.

We talk about Data Driven Innovationor the interaction between man and machine and the digitization of the production process. Efficiently responding to the challenge of Industry 4.0 means to make use of the enormous advantages expected for the manufacturing system in terms of flexibility, speed, productivity, quality and competitiveness.
Smart production, or Smart Manufacturing, is the perfect combination of information generated by data analysis, technology and human intelligence, to conceive a concept of highly competent and efficient company.

Companies need to be guided towards operational efficiency in order to boost their productivity, acquire knowledge and skills and remain competitive. This guide can only be done through the study and analysis of data, where the information resides and through the use of appropriate tools designed, tested and implemented by companies that can boast proven know-how in research and industry.

On this basis is born i-Live Machines, the product of Holonix that collects data from industrial machines, making them intelligent and communicating, allowing the implementation of the virtuous circle, indispensable for the product and the machine that produces it to tell us about their life cycle.

From the point of view of research, Holonix’s commitment is inZ-Bre4k (G.A. 768869), an European Project dedicated to the concrete solution of data use in particular aimed at identifying preventive maintenance strategies, designed for highly repetitive mass production processes.

Z-Bre4k brought together 17 European partners between industry and universities in a consortium (ex: Sacmi – manufacturer of ceramic and plastic machines, Philips – electronics giant and Fraunhofer Institute – prestigious German research institute), with extensive experience in cutting-edge technologies and an active presence in the European manufacturing sector.

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