Started at the end of 2022, the DeremCo project continues to make progress and proceeds with the implementation of solutions capable of unleashing the potential of end-of-life composite materials, inserting them within the value-chain as new sources of production and thus incentivising sustainability and digitalisation.

Composite materials

Composite materials are substantially made up of different elements (polymer matrix in which fibers and particles are dispersed) and this makes their recycling and reuse much more difficult. In fact, during the production process, the excess quantity of this type of material is almost always thrown into landfills or incinerators. Hence, the need to find a solution for their sustainable reintegration.

Among the possible approaches, the implementation of mechanical, thermal or chemical processes would seem to be among the most likely since it allows the matrix material to be separated from the reinforcing fibres, breaking them down into their constituent parts to be reused in new products or as raw materials for other sectors.

DeremCo project

DeremCo aims to create a solution to manage these processes from a circular perspective.

As in any project carried out by a large team, it is important not to lose sight of the main objectives and check that the activities are carried out precisely and in the right time; for this reason the Plenary Meeting recently ended, during which each partner illustrated an overview of the progress of the project and activities.

Not only that, a public event was also held tailor-made for local companies interested in the opportunities that the circular economy can offer. This workshop presented the next steps of the project, promising interesting opportunities for funding within circular economy initiatives.

Holonix, during the meeting, presented a workshop regarding data entry into the platform developed in the project.

Find out more about the project: click here